Department for ITS Development and Implementation

An Intelligent Transport System (ITS) represents a set of measures and technologies applied in the transport system which integrates information and telecommunication technologies to increase the level of safety, efficiency, availability and sustainability of the transport network.

Intelligent transport systems have a great potential for improving the efficiency of the transport system, and also for reducing adverse effects of traffic.  For that reason, one of the PE “Roads of Serbia” ’s strategic goals is development and implementation of ITS on the Republic of Serbia state roads, especially on the sections extending along the international corridors’ routes.

Department for ITS Development and Implementation, within the Sector for Traffic Management and Information Systems conducts the following activities within its competence:

Representatives of the Department are, at the same time, authorized representatives of the Enterprise during the implementation of commercial contracts on design and execution of works on state road construction and also technical support to the Investor regarding the construction of tunnel structures on the I and II category state road network.

The Department conducts its activities operationally through the following divisions:

  1. Division for Development and Implementation of Video Surveillance Systems and Traffic Management Systems
  2. Division for Development and Implementation of Road Weather Information Systems and Traffic Observation Systems

Division for Development and Implementation of ITS Communication and Energy Infrastructure