For existing users of TAG devices in the prepaid system (I category)

  1. The user goes to one of the authorized branches and reconfigures the tag device. List of branches at:
  2. The user receives a new contract and a reduction receipt (if there were funds on the device)
  3. The user scans the QR code and enters his/her data
  4. The user enters the payment card data
  5. After that, the user is redirected to the "Open Balkan ETC" web service, while at the same time he/she receives login information via email
  6. If the user wants to use the TAG device in the Republic of North Macedonia, it is necessary to enter the payment card data in the section for this country on the "Open Balkan ETC" web service.

Additional: Video explanations "How to reconfigure the TAG device":

For new users:

  1. The user goes to one of the authorized branches and buys a TAG device. List of branches at:
  2. The user scans the QR code and enters his/her data
  3. The user enters the payment card data
  4. After that, he/she is redirected to the "Open Balkan ETC" web service, while at the same time he/she receives login information via email
  5. If the user wants to use the TAG device in the Republic of North Macedonia, it is necessary to enter the payment card data in the section for this country on the "Open Balkan ETC" web service.


At the Preševo toll station, in the direction of North Macedonia, a Roads of Serbia mobile point of sale has been opened, where users who have started their journey to this country can reconfigure the existing one and buy a new TAG device.

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