ASECAP (Association Europeenne des Concessionnaires d’Autoroutes et d’Ouvrages a’ Peage) is the European Association of Motorway Concessionaries, established by national associations, companies and other bodies responsible for the financing, construction, maintenance and operation of roads infrastructure, where the revenues of such companies are generated in part or in full through collection of fees from end road users.
Some of the issues and activities in which ASECAP is active include the European network of motorways in the future integrated Europe, electronic toll collection, provision of additional services aimed at increasing traffic safety and environment protection on European roads, modern motorways and environment protection, management of motorways by use of modern telematic systems, activities aimed at increasing traffic safety on motorways, national approaches in calculating the levels of toll fees, recommendations for electronic toll collection and future systems of collection.
ASECAP pays special attention to the financing of road infrastructure and especially to concession arrangements which certainly represent the most widely used form of enlarging the existing road network in EU countries today.
Concession arrangements are accompanied by relevant toll collection strategy and policy, with the main objective to provide the interoperability of toll collection systems.

Mr Julián NÚÑEZ
President of SEOPAN, has been appointed as President of ASECAP for the year 2024.

Mr Konstantinos KOUTSOUKOS
Mr Konstantinos KOUTSOUKOS Past President of HELLASTRON, has been appointed as First Vice-President of ASECAP for the year 2024.

Mr Christophe BOUTIN
Mr Christophe BOUTIN Executive Director of ASFA, has been appointed as Second Vice-President of ASECAP for the year 2024.

Mr Josef FIALA
Mr Josef FIALA Chief Financial Officer of ASFINAG, has been appointed as Immediate Past President of ASECAP for the year 2024.