Brussels (Belgium) - March 2019

ASECAP, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Minutes of the 2019/1 Session

The 2019/1 ASECAP Steering Committee meeting was held on 18 March 2019 in Brussels.
The Board was informed about the decisions of ASFINAG and APCAP, personnel changes in the positions of the President, other presidents, representatives and members of COMEX in the Board, with a mandate until 2020. as well as about the decisions of Norvegfinans and Globalvia to leave ASECAP at the end of 2018. In 2019. decisions on the membership of the German, Bulgarian and Turkish companies are expected. The reports were presented by SEOPAN, AISCAT and HUKA. Members were requested to send information on any significant changes to toll highways that affect budget contributions to the Secretariat in a due course.

Presidential "6 + 1 Team" from their membership. The Board of Directors has carefully received the proposal for a new arrangement of ASECAP because it defines the future arrangement of COMEX, Board of Directors, GS and COPER. According to the proposal, the presidency will consist of 9 full members (6 permanent and 3 elected from other members), which is important for the status of permanent members and their contribution to the ASECAP budget.

The Board of Directors adopted the proposals for the drafting of the new ASECAP Statute, the revised version of which will be presented to the Board of Directors at the 2nd session of 2019. and at the Extraordinary General Assembly in Costa Navarino in order to obtain consent for the creation of a new legal framework.

Important were the proposals for the restructuring of ASECAP and the proposal of COMEX for the formation of the The Secretary General considers that the key is to restructure ASECAP and create an independent and strong ASECAP Secretariat that could, on a daily basis, with experts and good resources, lead smoothly the Association, regulating the presence of ASECAP volunteer technical or political bodies in the new Statute. ASECAP.

In the report, Secretary General Dionelis emphasized the aspects of mobility in the EU and toll collection systems that are a priority for ASECAP (NETS, RETS and the future of EETS), the importance of considering different local, national or regional EETS schemes for customer service, compensation issues and reinvestment of collected revenues. As far as Concession Schemes are concerned, ASECAP must urgently form a team composed of member representatives and experts who would, in addition to analysis, also influence new concessionaires by conveying ASECAP priorities to them.

In the report, Secretary General Dionelis emphasized the aspects of mobility in the EU and toll collection systems that are a priority for ASECAP (NETS, RETS and the future of EETS), the importance of considering different local, national or regional EETS schemes for customer service, compensation issues and reinvestment of collected revenues. As far as Concession Schemes are concerned, ASECAP must urgently form a team composed of member representatives and experts who, in addition to analysis, would also influence new concessionaires by conveying ASECAP priorities to them.

From the point of view of ITS, the position of ASECAP is that highways must not remain "silent observers" in the face of a "smart" environment that is changing rapidly, that members must decide whether to act uninimously towards the objectives or will address ad-hoc in specific areas according to the market priorities of each country.

Important topics are the protection of existing electronic toll collection systems in accordance with Connectivity technologies, MaaS as an opportunity / challenge for future Concessions, dynamic analysis of future traffic mobility and analysis of initiatives in EU legislation.

Traffic safety is still the main priority of ASECAP and members should determine the methodologies that will enable the ranking of the road network from the aspect of safety. The EU Security Coordinator should create and manage a Security System for key actors.

The priority is also the formation of a "period of convergence of different safety systems" where each country will present its own traffic safety mechanism, which will make it easier to reach a coordinated set of KPIs and safety methodologies. The annual ASECAP traffic safety event should make an appropriate contribution.

ASECAP COPER activities were, as always, dedicated to the topics of each COPER individually with special emphasis on specific topics. COPER I dealt with EETS files and the New Directive which enters into force in September 2020. The commissions requested by the members of both the EP and the Council have been formed, the first analyzes of the Eurovignette Directive have begun, areas. ASECAP believes that the development of all situations with Eurovignette, to which networks apply and the categories of vehicles it covers, should be closely monitored, and existing concessionaires must continue to be protected from the new charging principles.

The COPER II team reviewed the Revision of Directive 2008/96 / EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management, the preparation of the 12th ASECAP Traffic Safety Event 2019 and the joint ASECAP / PIARC and Marketing Workshops.

The key items of COPER III's work, the New Work Program for 2019/20, the delegated act on C-ITS, the financial support provided to the new CEN / ISO manager and the new single platform for CCAM were presented.

The President of COPER IV pointed out that KPI data for previous years have been defined, a Data Matrix has been prepared which must be further supplemented and that the topics of the Athens Meeting have been defined (November 6, 2018) some KPI definitions (traffic safety). She reiterated her request that all the members should help create a platform for COPER IV in order to improve the way data is collected and facilitate their presentation, which was supported by the Board.

The agenda was approved in the proposed form, the Board unanimously approved the final budget report for 2018. and an Extraordinary General Assembly was held to obtain approval for the new legal framework of the Statute and other important issues.

It was adopted that the ASECAP Study and Information Days 2019 be held from 29-31. May in Costa Navarino, Greece and to hold the ASECAP Marketing Event 2019 on April 12 in Zagreb, Croatia.