Access to data from the measuring devices at the "Niš" and "Preševo" toll stations

In the framework of the project "Studies on the introduction of renewable energy sources in the facilities of PE "Roads of Serbia" with cost - benefit analysis, in addition to monitoring the electro-energetic parameters, external and internal temperature monitoring in the facilities is also carried out, as well as air quality parameters PM10 and PM2.5.

PM10 is the fraction of suspended particulate matter passing through the filter whose requirements are set out in SRPS EN12341, and PM2.5 is the fraction of suspended particulate matter passing through the filter whose requirements are set out in SRPS EN14907.

Both parameters are used to determine the impact of air quality on human health, representing a mixture of smoke, soot, dust and acid particles with heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury and nickel, and are produced by the combustion of solid and liquid fuels as a combined effect of industry, traffic and the heating process, and their impact is more pronounced in urban environments.

The data from the "Trupale" and "Preševo" toll stations can be accessed via the following links:


A complete instruction for accessing real-time data can be downloaded from the following link: