Road Toll

Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”, the Sector for Toll Collection, performs the collection of fees for the use of highway (tolls). Toll collection is performed in the closed system on all highway sections.

Toll collection is performed on highways in the length of 905,245 km in total. It is performed using an automatic technical toll collection system consisting of 72 toll stations.

The base for toll collection is the length of public road expressed in kilometers (km). The road toll price is determined based on three criteria: road toll price per kilometer, vehicle category and the distance travelled. Toll collection system is applied on the following highway sections:

  • Belgrade - Šabac - Šid
  • Belgrade - Subotica
  • Belgrade - Vrnjačka Banja - Preševo - Dimitrovgrad
  • Belgrade - Požega

The users can choose between manual toll payment (with taking a mandatory magnetic card) and electronic payment (using an ETC device).

Users of manual toll collection system are obligated to take a magnetic card when entering the toll collection system and hand the card, based on which the toll collection is performed, over to the toll booth operator at the exit toll station.

Users of electronic toll collection system, i.e. contactless payment model, use gates marked for that type of toll payment (ENP/ETC) and pay the toll using an ETC device, without stopping or taking a magnetic card.

A user who possesses an ETC device in his/her vehicle, and for some reason takes a magnetic card at the entry toll station and pays the toll using the ETC device, is obligated to hand the card over to the operator in charge at the exit toll station.

Manual toll collection users can choose the following methods of payment:

  • CASH

Electronic toll collection users use ETC devices as a payment method in:

  • PREPAID and
  • POSTPAID system

The obligee and the amount of the fee, as well as the method of determining, paying and exempting from paying the special fee for the use of public roads in the Republic of Serbia are regulated by the Law on Fees for the Use of Public Property ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 95/2018 and 49/2019 . - harmonized din.amm.).

If it is established that:

  1. that he passed through the toll station without paying the toll and evaded the tolling procedure;
  2. that he left the public road in a place where it is not allowed ("wild exit");
  3. that payment has already been made according to that document;
  4. that he misused the monthly or annual subscription card;
  5. that he misused the permit for free passage on a public road;
  6. that he misused the city card;
  7. that he misused the magnetic card, i.e. the ETC device with other road users;
  8. that he handed over a damaged magnetic card at the exit from the public road;
  9. that at the exit from the public road he did not hand over the same magnetic card that he took when entering the public road;
  10. that he did not pay the issued toll bill, in accordance with the concluded contract in the "postpaid system";
  11. that when leaving the toll collection system, he did not pay the toll for a vehicle that broke down after entering the system and was loaded or supported by another vehicle because of that breakdown;

the longest route of the respective section will be calculated and charged on the spot, or through subsequent payment procedure, as well as the cost of the emergency procedure, in accordance with the Article 198a of the Law on fees for the use of public goods.

If it is established that:

  1. that when configuring the device for ENP, a lower vehicle category than the actual one was entered on the device, and for that reason the toll was paid in a smaller amount than prescribed;
  2. that for technical reasons (power failure, system failure, etc.) he did not pay the toll with the ENP device, in cash or in another way.


the longest route of the respective section will be calculated and charged on the spot, or through subsequent payment procedure, as well as the cost of the emergency procedure, in accordance with the Article 198a of the Law on fees for the use of public goods.

The method of electronic toll collection is stipulated by the Rulebook on electronic toll collection, special conditions and technical requirements for European ETC and interoperability elements (Official Gazette RS, no.71/19).

