PE "Roads of Serbia" informs the public that as of January 1, 2024, toll collection will begin on newly constructed sections of highways: 

  • Moravian Corridor (to the temporary head toll station Koševi)
  • Ruma-Šabac highway

PE "Roads of Serbia" also audited the lengths of tolled sections in accordance with the Reference System of the State Road Network (No. 953-22005 dated 10/27/2023), which will affect certain corrections to the price list for toll collection.

In addition to the mentioned changes, a toll for the use of road facilities: bridges, viaducts and tunnels is also being introduced by increasing the toll per kilometer traveled by 50% for bridges and viaducts, or by 100% for tunnels.

Discounts are also being introduced for users of student cards of 2%, pensioner cards of 3%, as well as for owners of electric vehicles of 10%, the application of which will be enabled exclusively by using the web service for electronic toll collection.

Changes to the price list were made in accordance with the obligations prescribed in the Law on Fees for the Use of Public Goods (Official Gazette of the RS No. 95/2018, 49/2019, 86/2019 - harmonized din. sum, 156/2020 - harmonized din.sum, 15/2021 - addendum to the harmonized financial statements, 15/2023 - harmonized financial statements and 92/2023), and on the basis of the Decision on amendments and additions to the Decision on the amount of a special fee for the use of a public road, its part and road object (toll).
