Paris (France) - november 2012


a) Developments in the EU / ASECAP activities and state of play: Matrix of agreed points / actions

The ASECAP Secretary General presented to the Steering Committee a detailed information document, accompanied by the matrix of points agreed by the Steering Committee in its session 2012/2 (Turin) with the planned and executed ASECAP activities. The documents contain information on the latest developments in the EU transport world, the crucial points for ASECAP and proposed activities for the ASECAP 2012-2013 Work Program. 

Mr. Dionelis indicated that, based on the new By-Laws, the Steering Committee, COMEX, COPERs, ASECAP Think Tank and task forces (supported by the ASECAP pool of experts), constitute the basic instruments for the future ASECAP activities. The ASECAP Secretary General together with the COPER chairs will be responsible for drawing up an indicative planning as a basis for the COMEX (politically) and Think Tank (technically) to elaborate the future ASECAP activities and the Steering Committee to decide accordingly. In addition, the ASECAP Secretariat (coordinator: Stephane Verwilghen), in close cooperation with the other COPERs, will continue to examine the ASECAP needs regarding statistical information and will monitor the frequency of the information provided. 

Mr. Dionelis presented to the Steering Committee (1) the RETS testing project, under the EETS umbrella, which constitutes a top priority for the ASECAP members, (2) the ongoing EU legislative procedures regarding the award of concession contracts and public procurement, (3) the fields of road safety and sustainability (cf. Think Tank event of 27 November 2012) and  (4) the ITS domain where the lack of convergence between different EC departments (DG RESEARCH, DG CONNECT, DG ENERGY, DG MOVE, DG CLIMA) calls for a strong ASECAP reaction to the multiplicity of uncoordinated initiatives. On the ITS field, the Secretary General reminded the members’ agreement that ASECAP should always underline to the EU Institutions the proper role of the European ITS High Level Advisory Group (of which ASECAP is one of the 25 members) regarding the policy and industrial orientations towards a future ITS action plan.

b) Related ASECAP actions


COPER I chairman Bruno De la Fuente presented the work undertaken by COPER I  in relation to recent developments in the EETS domain, as well as the new legislative initiatives from the European Commission on the award of concessions contracts and public procurement.  On EETS, there is already an ASECAP agreement on the basic strategies. The Toll Chargers have done their job, the EETS providers must decide how to be registered in a state in order to contact formally the Toll Chargers and the states (mainly Germany) have been identified as the crucial element for whatever RETS future developments towards a final EETS. Moreover, indicated their readiness and support a possible RETS project.

In relation to this specific point a detailed discussion was devoted to the RETS project and the preparation stage under Mr. Resch of ASFINAG. The Steering Committee noted the presentation of Mr. Resch and the members directly involved (and in particular ASFA, AISCAT, ASETA) underlined their basic priority which is: Toll Chargers must play a leading role in the project and their objective is to test a functioning regional project that meets their demands. They gave a message to Mr. Resch to take these points into account when he will coordinate the various steps of the complex project and the diverging interests of the participating stakeholders. It was agreed that ASECAP will be involved in the RETS project communicating when needed with the EETS Committee (EETS Committee sessions will be multiplied in the coming years and ASECAP is an active though non-voting member of the Committee). 

Regarding concessions and public procurement, the COPER I chairman referred to the ongoing discussions in the European Parliament (IMCO Committee) on the related draft Directives proposed by the European Commission in December 2011. At this stage of the legislative process, the draft report on concessions, under consideration in the European Parliament’s IMCO Committee, appears to meet better the concerns of the ASECAP members, even though some amendments submitted need to be followed closely.


COPER II chair Malika Seddi referred to all the activities in the safety/security/environment fields. Good contacts have developed with the EC and the EP. In parallel COPER II together with the Secretariat have been the coordinators, which are supporting the ASECAP Think Tank in its first steps towards an ASECAP definition of the term “sustainability”.

Information was provided on the 6th annual ASECAP Road Safety Event that will take place in Brussels on 6 March 2013 in the EP headquarters, with the support of EP member Mr. A. Cancian. Moreover, it was indicated that ASECAP in coordination with AISCAT will organize the venue for the 2014 edition of the annual ASECAP Road Safety Event.  


COPER III chairman Marko Jandrisits gave an overview of the COPER III activities and presented the key topics regarding ASECAP’s work on ITS:

- ITS Directive: ASECAP is active as one of the 25 members of the high-level European ITS Advisory Group; however, the ITS policy makers must develop a stronger and better cooperation with the industry side and avoid using so-called “independent consultants” to work out draft specifications. COPER III will analyze the drafts that circulate and provide feedback to allow for a proper ASECAP reaction.     

- EasyWay: there are discussions inside the EC -at high level- about a continuation of EasyWay and a possible role of ASECAP and its members could be identified; the COPER III chair called on ASECAP members to liaise with their Governments for support.

- i-Mobility forum (formerly e-Safety forum): ASECAP COPER III is active and COPER III vice-chair R. Arditi participates actively together with the Secretary General in the i-mobility sessions. 

- Amsterdam Group: the Group having been established and a MoU signed, the EC (basically DG MOVE) follows with great interest its role and ASECAP should play an active/leading role inside this group and regarding its roadmap planned for mid-2013 dedicated to the implementation of priority cooperative systems. 

- Co-existence ITS (5,9 GHz) - DSRC (5,8 GHz): COPER III continues to follow actively developments in this field and monitors possible risks e.g. regarding any undesired normative effects under type-approval procedures.


The latest table with the members’ traffic data was thoroughly analyzed and the missing data will be provided by the members concerned. Updated data including long-term charts will be circulated to the members.


The members presented briefly their priority points. Following the established procedure, the interested members have sent to the Secretariat a brief information note with the issues presented. 


The participants from the Russian Highways SC AVTODOR presented their company. AVTODOR was welcomed as the new ASECAP Associate member as from January 2013. 


The 2013 budget with the members’ allocations was adopted unanimously


At the initiative of the President, the Steering Committee honored the following personalities for their involvement in and commitment to ASECAP over many years: M. Rotondo (16 years), O. Halleraker (22 years), M. Seddi (22 years), J. Mesqui (23 years) and A. Arnaoutis (26 years).
