Average Annual Daily Traffic

All information about Average Annual Daily Traffic referring to public roads of the I and II category in the Republic of Serbia may be found here, please choose specific year from the right menu.

All information about Average Annual Daily Traffic referring to public roads of the I and II category in the Republic of Serbia may be found here, please choose specific year from the right menu.


ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category (xls)


ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category (xls)


ico-adobe - State road network - traffic load

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category (xls)


ico-adobe - State road network - traffic load

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category (xls)


ico-adobe - State road network - traffic load

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category (xls)


ico-adobe - State road network - traffic load

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category (xls)

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category (xls)


ico-adobe - State road network - traffic load

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category


ico-adobe - State road network - traffic load

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category

ico-adobe - The relation between the current and previous marking of sections and travel directions IA category

ico-adobe - The relation between the current and previous marking of sections and travel directions IB category

ico-adobe - The relation between the current and previous marking of sections and travel directions IIA category

ico-adobe - The relation between the current and previous marking of sections and travel directions IIB category


ico-adobe - State Road Network - schedule of traffic counters and toll stations

ico-adobe - State road network - traffic load

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category

ico-adobe - The relation between the current and previous marking of sections and travel directions

ico-adobe - Average monthly daily traffic growth rate (PMDS) for July and August 2014/2015 at selected locations

ico-adobe - Position on the map


ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IIB category

ico-adobe - The relation between the current and the previous marking of sections and travel directions

ico-adobe - State Road Network - traffic load in 2014

ico-adobe - State Road Network - Schedule of Automatic Traffic Counters and Toll Stations in 2014


ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IA category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads IB category

ico-adobe - Traffic load chart on state roads II category

ico-adobe - State Road Network - traffic load in 2013
