Environmental protection is a very important segment of the activities of the PE Roads of Serbia in the matter of planning, designing, construction, reconstruction, exploitation, and maintenance of the road infrastructure and it implies identification and prevention, i.e. mitigation of negative road impacts by which it endangers the environment. The process is implemented in compliance with the legally defined procedures, and by applying preventive and protective measures and introducing innovative concepts in the field of environmental protection. Influences of the surroundings, i.e. environment on roads and traffic flow are also inspected – extreme and accidental situations that may influence traffic safety and road infrastructure conditions are preventively approached.
The starting point of the environmental policy in the Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia is a strategic commitment of the Republic of Serbia in the field of road traffic to the mitigation of harmful road traffic effects on the environment. The Department’s tasks are based on the document Environment Protection Policy of PE Roads of Serbia through the creation of annual action plans. Accordingly, the policy implies the follow-up of the realization of programs, plans, and projects in the road sector and the implementation of the procedure for assessment of the project’s impact on the environment as prescribed by the relevant legislation.
Baselines for Department’s performances are laws and by-laws concerning environmental protection:
- Law on Environmental Protection
- Law on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment
- Law on Environmental Impact Assessment
- Law on Environmental Noise Protection
- Air Protection Law
- Law on Soil Protection
- Law on Waters
- Law on Integrated Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution
- Law on National Parks
- Forest Law
- Law on Waste Management
- Law on Nature Protection
- Law on Climate Change
- Regulation on Determining the List of Projects for Which the Impact Assessment is Obligatory and List of Projects for Which the Environmental Impact Assessment Can Be Required
- Regulation on Noise Indicators, Limit Values, Assessment Methods for Indicators of Noise, Disturbance, and Harmful Effects of Noise in the Environment
- Regulation on Systematic Monitoring of Soil Quality and Condition
- Regulation on Emission Limit Values for Pollutants in Surface and Ground Waters and Sediments and the Deadlines for Their Reaching
- Regulation on Monitoring Conditions and Air Quality Requirements
- Rulebook on the Methodology for Determining Acoustic Zones
- Rulebook on the Methods of Noise Measurement, Content and Scope of the Noise Measurement Report
- Rulebook on Contents of the Request on the Need for Environmental Impact Assessment and Contents of the Request for Defining the Scope and Content of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study
- Rulebook on the Content of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study
- Rulebook on Public Insight, Presentation, and Public Discussion About the Environmental Impact Assessment Study
The aim of environmental protection in the state road sector is to create an infrastructure adapted to the natural and cultural environment in such a way that the natural resources are preserved, and that traffic has a tolerable/acceptable impact on people’s health and wellbeing.
The Department performs checkout of conditions of environmental protection on state roads, is engaged in gathering data on environmental quality, and preparation of manuals, guidelines, and studies to define procedures by which it ensures the required quality level of work and knowledge on environmental conditions and potential risks. It implements legal obligations and raises environmental awareness during the state road network planning, design, construction, reconstruction, exploitation, and maintenance.
- Planning, design, and construction of roads with the harmonization of planning and technical solutions with regulations on environmental protection;
- Implementation of the impact assessment procedure for road projects that may affect the environment, based on the Law on Environmental Impact;
- Implementation of environmental monitoring procedure, following the legal framework regulating this field, including monitoring of traffic noise;
- Creation of an outline of road and traffic impact on the environment based on modeling through the preparation of strategic noise maps and emission of traffic pollutants released into the atmosphere;
- Issuing opinions on the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment at the level of planning documents;
- Examining the possibility of applying new materials and structures that contribute to achieving the goals of sustainable development;
- Managing the emissions responsible for the greenhouse effects occurrence and activities aimed at mitigation of consequences of climate change on the road infrastructure;
- Preparation of proposal for the Enterprise's Business Program through comprehensive analyses and directing activities toward environmental protection requirements;
- Preparation of Terms of Reference for manuals, plans, projects, and studies under the jurisdiction of the Department;
- Enforcement of bidding procedure and professional supervision of preparation of all documents under the jurisdiction of the Department;
- Review of skills and knowledge of people employed at the PE Roads of Serbia as regards environmental protection, energy saving, and waste management - Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (download page)
- Study on Snow Drift Inspection on I Category state roads
- Study on Endangerment of II Category state roads from snow drift occurrence
- Studies on Endangerment of I and II Category state roads from Floods and Torrents Occurrence (download page)
Research studies: - Feasibility study of technical solutions for reduction of the harmful influence of road traffic noise on selected sections of state roads
- Assessment study of emission of transport-related air pollutants on I and II category state roads
- Assessment study of emission of transport-related air pollutants on I and II category state road for the period 2016 – 2018
Noise protection measures:
- Noise protection measures - Part 1 (188 mb)
- Noise protection measures - Part 2 (165 mb)
- Noise protection measures - Part 3 (350 mb)
- Noise protection measures - Part 4 (620 mb)
- Noise protection measures - Part 5 (86 mb)
- Noise protection measures - Part 6 (114 mb)
- Noise protection action plans - Text and conflict maps (93 mb)
Projects: - Application of fly ash in road construction G2G09 project
- Mitigation of traffic noise on roads G2G10 project
Technical guidelines: - Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment
- Guideline for monitoring environmental conditions in road area along state road network of the Republic of Serbia
Manuals: - Manual for environmental protection in the road sector