The main purpose of Traffic Management Systems is the improvement of road infrastructure through the integration of modern information and communication technologies. Some of the goals of traffic management of the road network of the Republic of Serbia are optimal utilization of transport capacities – establishment of stable traffic flow, mitigation of congestions, elimination of potential traffic accidents, and, at the same time, ensuring the best travel conditions for road users.
The Department for Traffic Surveillance and Management of the Sector for Traffic Management Information Systems performs the following activities within its competence:
- surveillance and management of traffic on I and II category state road network
- collection of traffic-technical data on roads and users
- establishment of function of national and regional traffic management centers
- technical support for the Employer when constructing tunnels in phase until obtaining the exploitation permit
- provision of a wide range of services to road users through activities of the Information Center and specialized ITS GIS portal
- checking traffic safety in tunnels and implementing improvement measures
The Department's representatives are at the same time the appointed representatives of the Enterprise in the realization of commercial Contracts on the design and execution of works on the construction of state roads and technical support to the Employer in the construction of state roads and tunnels on the road network of I and II category state roads.
Activities of the Department are organized through regional, operation and management, and tunnel centers with constant on-call service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and comprise the following:
- continuous monitoring and detection of every extraordinary event and alarm about the event that impacts the safety of traffic participants,
- timely taking of prescribed steps for the provision of ultimate support for achieving safe and stable traffic flow on the state roads,
- detection of failure on installed equipment
All changes in the status of elements of installed ITS equipment may be identified through the:
- Central System for Monitoring and Management (CSMM)
- video surveillance system
- regular checkup of installed systems
- Reports made by the competent authorities (police, fire department, service responsible for road maintenance).
Various systems installed in operation and management centers enable the detection of diverse events in a facility or its impact zone, such as traffic accidents, formation of a stream of vehicles, stopped vehicles, driving in the opposite direction, pedestrians or cyclists, works, slow vehicle, extreme weather conditions, power failure, foreign object, and many others.
The current organizational chart of the Department displaying regional, operation and management, and tunnel centers (RC/OMC/TOC) is given below