The Public Enterprise "Roads of Serbia", with the desire to leave a record of the achievements in the implementation of the most important road infrastructure projects for the entire public and future generations, has produced two new corporate films:

  • "Bypass around Gornji Milanovac" and
  • "Expansion of toll stations in 2024."

The corporate film "Bypass around Gornji Milanovac" follows all phases of the construction of this expressway that connects the Takovo and Gornji Milanovac regions with the "Miloš Veliki" highway. High-quality video material and detailed data bring the public closer to the complexity of the project itself, as well as the importance that the Bypass around Gornji Milanovac has in increasing the safety of all traffic participants, its impact on the environment, and the economic development of the city. You can watch the film at the following link: LINK

The modernization of road infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia continued in 2024 through the toll stations expansion project. With the corporate film "Expansion of Toll Stations in 2024", we presented and informed the public about all the work carried out at the front and side toll stations along the highway network in the Republic of Serbia with the aim of increasing capacity and accelerating the passage of vehicles through toll stations due to the large increase in traffic volume, especially in the summer period, during holidays and during the tourist shift period. You can watch the corporate film about this project at the following link: LINK

PE "Roads of Serbia" will continuously present the important infrastructure projects it is implementing in a high quality manner through films in Serbian and English.
