Ljubljana (Slovenia) - november 2011

2011/3 session of the ASECAP Steering Committee in Ljubljana, Slovenia, held on November 29th, 2011

Information on EU developments was presented by the 3 COPER chairs, whereas representatives of ASECAP member states put forward the individual reports on ASECAP members’ activities. The agenda also included the following points: Project “ASECAP 2012“- ASECAP By Laws and Internal regulation modifications; 2012 Work Plan and Budget, as well as the proposals for benchmarking, composed and presented by DARS, HUKA and ASFINAG. Future meetings and 2012 event calendar, as well as the agenda point with miscellaneous issues were also adopted. The session was attended by the full and associate members, as well as the representatives of the Secretariat and the SC.
Presenting the conclusions drawn from the bilateral meetings with Association members, ASECAP President, Mr. K. Schierhackl, emphasized the interest of all members in the operation of ASECAP, as well as their efforts to contribute to the development of the Association. Special attention was paid to the regular reporting performed by the ASECAP Secretariat and the information being available to all ASECAP members through the web page. President Schierhackl also expressed his satisfaction with the bilateral meetings held with the representatives of particular companies.  

Report on ASECAP activities and state of play was given by the Secretary General, who indicated the direct cooperation with the three ASECAP COPERs and the strong interest of the members concerning the ASECAP Secretariat’s strategy in the new EU transport scenarios, also acknowledging the hard work demonstrated by the ASECAP 2012 Project Team on the drafting of the future ASECAP By-Laws and the Internal regulation.

The strong ASECAP role in all the DGs of ASECAP interest was also highlighted, especially within the EU political context where the EU policy-makers are trying to indicate a basic framework of actions under the EC’s Transport White Paper.

Members were informed on the basic lines of EU actions within a realistic TENs framework, an efficient management of the traffic flows, introduction of the ITS deployment policy and the establishment of coordinated actions towards a green mobility.
A detailed document on an indicative action plan was also presented, as well as the guidelines for the adoption of the Eurovignette Directive, the future EETS orientations, the developments in road safety and road security where specific reference was made to the rest areas that should be built on the core TENs, the developments in ITS and the active cooperation of ASECAP with DG MOVE, DG INFSO, DG RESEARCH and other organisations.

It was agreed that COPER II would explore with the Secretariat how the EC can be best brought up to date about the position of road operators in relation to secure rest areas along the trans-European road network.

COPER I chairman Mr. J. Mesqui made an extended presentation on the domains of COPER I  responsibilities, indicating the need for adjusting individual regulations in EU member states with the new legislative environment concerning the Eurovignette Directive. The European Commission is still preparing the directive on concessions, which will be closely followed up by ASECAP. Additionally, he pointed out the significance of the EETS as the crucial domain of interest to ASECAP, and its role in the preparation of the Interoperability Directive 2004/52 and the EETS Decision 2009/750, as well as the activities of the 4 CESARE projects.  He also presented the details of the COPER I seminar that had been held the day before. SC agreed that “no future EETS orientation can be considered in the absence of the ASECAP Toll Chargers” and it was proposed that an ASECAP EETS seminar should be organized in Brussels in due time in 2012.

COPER II chairman Mr. M. Rotondo presented activities in finalizing the format of the annual ASECAP Road Safety Event, which will take place on March 6th, 2012 in Copenhagen, and stressed the need for cooperation with COPER III on safety/sustainability-related ITS applications.

The report made by the COPER III chairman, Mr. R. Camolino, was related to future activities planned by the ITS Advisory Group, the cooperation with EasyWay, the i- Mobility forum, the ongoing FOTsis and SATIE projects, and similar issues, as well as the progress of discussions between ASECAP, CEDR and C2C (the so-called “Amsterdam Group”), and challenging issues of 5.8/5.9Ghz interference.

Secretary General, Mr. K. Dionelis emphasized the strong role of ASECAP in cooperating with the DG MOVE, DG INFSO and DG RESEARCH on the innovative, deployment-oriented research program in the context of the EU’s “Horizon 2020”.

Reports on ASECAP members’ activities and state of play were presented by the members themselves.  ASETA presentation is provided in an Annex, whereas information from Polish concessionaires regarding the succesful completion of new motorway stretches in Poland may be found on ASECAP website. DARS and HUKA members presented their relevant topics, expressing their concern on changes that emerge in their EU transport sectors and the tolling priroties in the period when political environment is changing.

SC examined the entire documentation related to PROJECT ”ASECAP 2012“ (ASECAP Bylaws – internal ASECAP regulation),  and accepted that the proposed new modifications in the Bylaws and the Internal regulation should be submitted to the SC at the 2012/1 extraordinary session in Turin. SC also adopted the Work Plan and Budget for year 2012.
In addition, activities for all 3 COPERs were proposed, the 2012 priorities were established, and the responsibilities of COPER II and COPER I, related to the EETS, weigh-in-motion, implementation of the ITS and the ITS Directive, single tube tunnel operation and the benchmarking by interested members, and the coordination with the ASECAP Secretariat were determined.

DARS, HUKA and ASFINAG made proposals for benchmarking and described the exercises they had mutually carried out, thus informing the SC on those issues, along with providing a recommendation that ASECAP members could undertake analogous actions in accordance with the presented model.

The members received the ASECAP 2012 event calendar and the program of 2012 ASECAP Days which would be held in Turin from May 27th – 30th, 2012.

Regarding the 2013 ASECAP Days, the Steering Committee is expected to decide at its 2012/1 session in Copenhagen.
