Oslo (Norway) – May 2010

SC approved the minutes of the session in Prague.


Secretary General, Mr. Dionelis, indicated a strong interest of the members concerning the communicating policy/strategy of ASECAP Secretariat. Important information was provided to the members concerning the changes in the EU Institutions, where the E.C, E.P. and Council try to manage their new balance of powers.

Within the European issues, specific actions related to EU Transport Policy were considered. The members were informed on the developments within the 3 COPERs sectors.

As for COPER I, the main priorities appear in the domains of Eurovignette, EETS and ppp/concessions. It was noted that the Belgian presidency had the intention to re-initiate the discussion in the Council on the Eurovignette issue, and that several states were preparing their actions on applying a certain charging – taxation regime on an extensive road network, going beyond the main motorways’ network.   The file of Eurovignette will be also co-examined by the Environment DGs (Environment, Climate Change).

In the EETS sector, the finalization of drafting the EETS Application Guide is almost done, and on the 28th of June 2010, it will be submitted for information to the EETS Regulatory Committee. On the same date ASECAP had been invited to present the final results of the CESARE IV project.  The members were informed that the project CESARE IV was a very successful one and that the auditing process is in its final stage. Final information will be sent to the members after the project is sent to the E. Commission and is finally examined and approved by the EU institutions. The Secretary General has been authorized to send formally the relevant ASECAP positions to the E. Commission.

Concerning the ppp/concessions, the E. Commission is still examining alternative scenaria to take action and scrutinize the basic priorities in work and service concessions. A general ASECAP position will be prepared by the COPER I which -after finally approved by ASECAP bodies- will be sent to the EU institutions.

In the COPER II domain, it was indicated that the EC will prepare the next action plan (2011-2020) for cutting to half the number of road accidents, while specific interest will be given to concrete road safety activities. The members were satisfied with the success of the ASECAP Road safety event in Prague and expressed their readiness to work hard for the next Road safety event in Athens (March 2011).  COPER II will also initiate specific environmental actions falling within the new de-carbonizing, eco-transport sustainable transport future (now under preparation in the EU corridors).

As regards the COPER III domain, the roles related to Intelligent Infrastructure Working Group were presented: IIWG - Intelligent Infrastructure Working Group, Easyway, e-safety, e-call, ITS implementation plan by the E. Commission and the ELSA initiative.
Report of the Steering Committee to the General Assembly on the 2009 activities and the Report of the Auditor for the exercise 2009, as well the approval of the accounts for the year 2009 were unanimously approved.

Relevant information on the 100% state owned company that, as from the beginning of 2010, is responsible for the tolling/charging collection in Slovakia was presented to the Steering Committee.

Draft budget for 2011 was unanimously adopted.

Dates of future COMEX and EETS (Think Tank) sessions to occur in Brussels were specified for October 28th and 29th, 2010.

It was agreed that the following ASECAP SC session would be held on November 29th, 2010 in Madrid, whereas the first SC meeting in 2011 will be held on February 28th, 2011 in Athens. After the meeting in Athens, the ASECAP Road Safety Event will take place on March 01st, 2011.

Additionally, it was indicated that, as from 2011, it will be the ASECAP Secretariat that will be the organiser of the Annual ASECAP Study days. ASECAP 2011 Study and Information Days will be organized in Brussels from May 29-31st, 2011, whereas Hungary and Italy submitted submitted their candidacies for ASECAP 2012 Study and Information Days.
