Paris (France) - December 2008

Minutes of the SC Session in Marrakech on May 18th were approved without changes, and the Report on the activities which required no further clarification was submitted to the Steering Committee by the Secretary General.

All the participants were informed on the development of the concession sector and new tendencies in France regarding the regulation of the toll collection system on all roads. The members were invited to submit a report to the Secretariat on the current relations between concessions and state administration in their countries, based on which the authoritative bodies of the organization (especially COPER I) will be able to work on the coordination of ASECAP strategy.

The Steering Committee was informed on the legal instruments currently being prepared by the EU institutions (Eurovignette and decision on EETS). The members have already received the document containing the proposed Eurovignette, which will have to resolve numerous complex issues prior to being officially approved, whereas ASECAP detailed report on the Eurovignette was approved. The members were also informed that an important starting point for the EETS will be ASECAP project CESARE IV, which is currently being realized according to schedule.

Upon the request by the European Commission, it was decided that ASECAP will be engaged in the work of a consulting group within the Action plan EU 2010-2020, which is concerned with the scope of traffic safety.

The Steering Committee was also informed on the achieved progress in the ITS sector, within which the EASYWAY project is being implemented.

The introduction of a new official language at annual events was also considered by the members. TEO representatives suggested that English and French be the official conference languages, whereas the use of other languages would be enabled upon member request.

The Budget Draft for year 2009 with the expected inflation rate of 4.9%, calculated on the basis of the data given for mid-September 2008, was submitted to the members. The budget proposal was unanimously approved.

All members received information on ASECAP Study and Information Days which will be held from May 24th to 27th in Krakow (Poland), as well as on ASECAP Study Days to be held in Oslo (Norway) in 2010.

It was commonly agreed that the SC Sessions in year 2009 would be held on March 1st in Innsbruck (Austria), May 24th in Krakow (Poland) and November 20th in Zagreb (Croatia).
