Venice (Italy) - March 2008

The Steering Committee approved the draft report for the budget 2007 and the agenda of the ASECAP General Assembly that will take place in Marrakech. It was pointed out that priorities of 3 permanent ASECAP Permanent Committees were: EETS, concessions, safety, internalization of external cost, ITS/EASYWAY/e-safety. The members agreed on the need to appear in a coordinated ASECAP way in the next session of the EETS Regulatory Committee.
“Declaration of Venice” was adopted and it was agreed to strengthen the ASECAP presence in the European fora. ASECAP will develop, further to its current political, technical and lobbying activities, a stronger communication strategy making use, beyond the ASECAP direct resources of additional external resources (e.g. sponsors, meetings’ revenues, etc). After the ASECAP Study Days of Marrakech ASECAP Secretariat will be in charge of the organization of the ASECAP branded events.
ASECAP Steering Committee decided the postponement of the deadline originally fixed for the basic registration fees (i.e. without surcharges), due to the difficulties experienced by many members in the online registration.
Three chairmen of the COPERs presented to the members of the Steering Committee detailed descriptions of the different transport domains in the EU, where EETS remains the main priority. The internalization of the external cost /new Eurovignette, market regulation of the road concessions, road safety, future ITS transport orientations in the EU and ASECAP European projects (CESARE IV) were also analyzed.
