Zagreb (Croatia) - November 2009

SC approved the minutes of Krakow session.

The members had the opportunity to be informed on the developments within the COPER I, II and III sectors, and the Steering Committee took note of the remarks presented by the COPER I chairman, Mr. J. Mesqui, that the main priorities appear in the domains of Eurovignette, EETS and ppp/concessions.

It is underlined, within the COPER I sector, that, mainly during the present “crisis” period in EU, the Eurovignette is a “sleeping” issue at EU dimension. However there are states that are preparing their actions on applying a certain charging regime on an extensive road network. Already two states – France and Netherlands- have opened procedures to this direction. For instance, in the French non-concessioned primary network, awarding procedures have been opened and the selected company will be responsible for the charging business of the heavy lorries, whereas in the Netherlands (after 2012) all the vehicles will be fitted with an OBU and will be charged accordingly when circulating on the entire Dutch road network. 

In the EETS domain, many roles are still to be defined: toll charger (either state or concessioner), EETS providers, conciliation bodies, EETS users, providers of added value services, etc.

Concerning the domain of the ppp/concessions, the European Commission is considering taking specific steps and examining the basic priorities in the work concessions and service concessions. Therefore, ASECAP should be ready to reflect accordingly inside the ppp Group that the E. Commission will most probably establish.

In the COPER II domain, it was underlined that the EU is ready to push to a more active road safety framework. On the 2nd of December, the EC will present its future road safety action plan and ASECAP will be the key contributor at the main road safety panel. In addition, specific reference was made to the Annual ASECAP Road safety event to be held in Prague on March, 1st, 2010. In conclusion, special attention was paid to the need for coordinated ASECAP action on the sustainability issue and the environmental priorities soon to appear around the globe.

As regards the COPER III, a document on the different ITS developments and the active role of ASECAP and its members therein was also presented. The focus of the document lies on the roles related to operation of the IIWG (Intelligent Infrastructure Working Group, Easyway, e-safety, e-call, ITS implementation plan by the E. Commission and the ELSA action plan).

Members were also acquainted with the CESARE IV developments.

During the discussion on ASECAP 2010 Action Plan, there was a special consideration of the document which addressed the fact that a number of new players in the toll business were appearing as a result of the Eurovignette Directive and the EETS Decision and that ASECAP needed to reflect on the convenience of allowing these new players to join ASECAP.

Messrs. Bento and Halleraker presented a paper proposing a new governance structure for ASECAP.

The results of the ad hoc questionnaire related to toll collection, that was prepared as an official COPER I document and on which all the members have provided detailed answers, were also presented. This document will (with marginal changes) be a useful internal ASECAP tool for uniting the awareness of the present position of ASECAP and its members in the tolling environment.

The members agreed that the Executive Committee should follow up on the toll collection issue and propose to the Steering Committee the next steps that will lead to solutions and actions to be taken in order for ASECAP to continue playing its leading role. One of the emphasized issues was also the promotion of tolling as the most efficient tool for providing an excellent road service, as well as for financing the construction, operation and maintenance of motorways and other major road infrastructures.

The budget plan for 2010 was adopted.

Members were informed on the details of the program of  ASECAP Study & Information Days 2010 in Oslo, with the indication that the ASECAP members must “promote” the event in their national structures (through promotion / sponsorships / exhibitions).
It was decided that ASECAP Study & Information Days 2011 will be held in Belgium.

The Steering Committee confirmed the planned events in 2010 (in Prague and in Oslo), whereas the session in Athens is yet to be confirmed.
