The Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” successfully realized transitional and other supervision check of Integrated Management Systems according to ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management System and OHSAS 18001:2008 for Occupational Health and Safety Management System on 19 and 20 June 2018. The Enterprise hereby exercised full compliance with the new version of ISO 9001:2015 standard. Evaluators of certification body MSC (Management Systems Certification) from Belgrade performed a check and confirmed a high level of conformity of business processes of the PE „Roads of Serbia“ with requirements of both standards, emphasizing that the level of application of the basic standards is quite above public enterprises that have implemented ISO 9001:2015.

Everyone involved in the checking procedure showed outstanding commitment in their field of work on Integrated Management Systems, and readiness to advance their business processes through continuous improvements. Extremely well positioned Integrated Management System of the Quality Department of the Sector for Traffic Management Information Systems has satisfied requirements of both standards, and it is set so as to enable future development and integration of new standards.