Documents passed by the Supervisory Board


ico-adobe 09.07.24. Odluka o usvajanju Programa poslovanja JP "Putevi Srbije" za 2024. godinu

ico-adobe 09.07.24. Program poslovanja JP "Putevi Srbije" za 2024. godinu

ico-adobe 05.07.24. Odluka o izmenama i dopuni Odluke o visini posebne naknade za upotrebu javnog puta, njegovog dela i putnog objekta (putarina)

ico-adobe 09.02.24. Rulebook on amendments of Rulebook on Internal Organization and Systematization of Work Positions

ico-adobe 01.02.24. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for forth quarter of 2023

ico-adobe 01.02.24. Report on Business Program realization degree for forth quarter of 2023


ico-adobe 29.12.23. Odluka o izmenama i dopuni Odluke o visini posebne naknade za upotrebu javnog puta, njegovog dela i putnog objekta (putarina)

ico-adobe 02.11.23. Decision on amending the decision on the amount of a special fee for the use of a public road, its segment and road structures (toll) (Official Gazette of RS, No. 87/2023)

ico-adobe 31.10.23. Odluka o usvajanju izveštaja o stepenu realizacije programa poslovanja za treći kvartal 2023. godine

ico-adobe 13.10.23. Decision on amending the decision on the amount of a special fee for the use of a public road, its segment and road structures (toll)

ico-adobe03.08.23. Odluka o usvajanju izveštaja o stepenu realizacije programa poslovanja za drugi kvartal 2023. godine

ico-adobe 20.06.23. Report on the degree of implementation of the Business Program of PE "Roads of Serbia" for the year 2022

ico-adobe 20.06.23. Decision on the adoption of the report on the degree of implementation of the Business Program for 2022

ico-adobe 20.06.23. Decision on adoption of the annual report on the work of the commission for 2023

ico-adobe 20.06.23. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for first quarter of 2023

ico-adobe 20.06.23. Report on Business Program realization degree for first quarter of 2023

ico-adobe 25.06.23. Decision on the adoption of Procurement Plans for 2023

ico-adobe 25.06.23. Public procurement plan PE "Roads of Serbia" for 2023.

ico-adobe 28.03.23. Decision on amending the decision on the amount of a special fee for the use of a public road, its segment and road structures (toll)

ico-adobe 01.02.23. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for forth quarter of 2022

ico-adobe 01.02.23. Report on Business Program realization degree for forth quarter of 2022


ico-adobe 28.12.22. Program on amendments and additions to the Business Program for 2022

ico-adobe 28.12.22. Decision on the adoption of the Program on amendments and additions to the Business Program for 2022

ico-adobe 06.12.22. Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll) (Official Gazette of RS, No. 130/2022)

ico-adobe 29.11.22. Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll)

ico-adobe 01.11.22. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for third quarter of 2022

ico-adobe 01.11.22. Report on Business Program realization degree for third quarter of 2022

ico-adobe 20.10.22. Plan o izmenama i dopunama Plana javnih nabavki za 2022. godinu

ico-adobe 20.10.22. Plan o izmenama i dopunama Plana javnih nabavki za 2022. godinu na koje se odredbe zakona o javnim nabavkama ne primenjuju

ico-adobe 20.10.22. Odluka o usvajanju Plana o izmenama i dopunama Plana javnih nabavki za 2022. godinu i Plana o izmenama i dopunama Plana javnih nabavki za 2022. godinu na koje se odredbe Zakona o javnim nabavkama ne primenjuju

ico-adobe 07.09.22. Rulebook on amendments of Rulebook on Internal Organization and Systematization of Work Positions

ico-adobe 29.07.22. Program on amendments and additions to the Business Program for 2022

ico-adobe 01.08.22. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for second quarter of 2022

ico-adobe 01.08.22. Report on Business Program realization degree for second quarter of 2022

ico-adobe 29.06.22. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for 2021

ico-adobe 29.06.22. Report on Business Program realization degree for 2021. godine

ico-adobe 10.05.22. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for first quarter of 2022

ico-adobe 10.05.22. Report on Business Program realization degree for first quarter of 2022

ico-adobe 24.03.22. Public Procurement Plan for 2022 to which the provisions of the Public Procurement Law do not apply

ico-adobe 24.03.22. Public procurement plan for 2022.

ico-adobe 24.03.22. Decision on the adoption of Procurement Plans

ico-adobe 04.02.22. Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2022

ico-adobe 04.02.22. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for forth quarter of 2021

ico-adobe 04.02.22. Report on Business Program realization degree for forth quarter of 2021


ico-adobe 25.11.21. Decision on Adoption of Program on Amendments to Business Program 2021

ico-adobe 28.10.21. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for third quarter of 2021

ico-adobe 28.10.21. Report on Business Program realization degree for third quarter of 2021

ico-adobe 27.07.21. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for second quarter of 2021

ico-adobe 27.07.21. Report on Business Program realization degree for second quarter of 2021

ico-adobe 29.06.21. Decision on Adoption of Program on Amendments of Business Program for 2021

ico-adobe 25.06.21. Decision on Adoption of Report on Level of Implementation of Business Program for 2020

ico-adobe 28.04.21. Decision on adoption of Report on Business Program realization degree for first quarter of 2021

ico-adobe 28.04.21. Report on Business Program realization degree for first quarter of 2021

ico-adobe 28.04.21. Decision on increase of initial capital

ico-adobe 05.04.21. Rulebook on amendments of Rulebook on Internal Organization and Systematization of Work Positions

ico-adobe 05.04.21. Decision on adoption of Public Procurement Plan for 2021 and public procurements which the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement do not apply to

ico-adobe 24.02.21. Decision and Explanation on Adoption of Business Program for 2021

ico-adobe 22.02.21. Resolution on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for Usage of Public Road, Its Section and Road Facility (Toll)

ico-adobe 29.01.21. Report on Degree of Realization of Business Program for the Third Quarter 2020

ico-adobe 29.01.21. Decision on Adoption of Report on Degree of Realization of Business Program for the Fourth Quarter 2020


ico-adobe 22.12.20. Decision on Adoption of Program on Amendments to Business Program 2020

ico-adobe 30.10.20. Report on Degree of Realization of Business Program for the Third Quarter 2020

ico-adobe 30.10.20. Decision on Adoption of Report on Degree of Realization of Business Program for the Third Quarter 2020

ico-adobe 30.07.20. Decision on Adoption of Report on Degree of Realization of Business Program for the Second Quarter 2020

ico-adobe 29.05.20. Decision on Adoption of Report on Degree of Realization of Business Program for the First Quarter 2020

ico-adobe 30.03.20. Rules of Procedure for Amendments to Rules of Procedure for Supervisory Board Business Activities

ico-adobe 30.03.20. Decision on Adoption of Rules of Procedure for Amendments to Rules of Procedure for Supervisory Board Business Activities

ico-adobe 03.02.20. Rulebook on organizational structure and job systematization (Revised text)

ico-adobe 05.02.20. Decision on Adoption of Business Program 2020

ico-adobe 30.01.20. Decision on adoption of the Report on realization degree of IV quarter business program


ico pdf 02.12.19. Decision on adoption of Operating program for 2019 amendment program

ico-adobe 01.11.19. Decision on amendment of Decision on Amount of Special Fee (Toll) for Public Road, Its Segment and Road Infrastructure adopted

ico-adobe 01.11.19. Decision on amendment of Decision on Amount of Special Fee (Toll) for Public Road, Its Segment and Road Infrastructure

ico-adobe 30.10.19. Decision on adoption of the Report on realization degree of III quarter business program

ico-adobe 26.07.19. Decision on adoption of the Report on realization degree of II quarter business program

ico-adobe 25.07.19. Decision on amending the Decision on the particular fee amount

ico-adobe 25.06.19. Rulebook on organizational structure and job systematization (Revised text)

ico-adobe 11.06.19. Rulebook on amendment to Rulebook on organizational structure and job systematization

ico-adobe 11.06.19. Conclusion which gives the Consent to Rulebook on Amendments to Rulebook on Organization and Systematization of Jobs

ico-adobe 25.04.19. Decision on adoption of the Report on realization degree of I quarter business program

ico-adobe 31.01.19. Report on activities of the Supervisory Board of the PE “Roads of Serbia” from 11. to 30. session

ico-adobe 31.01.19. Conclusion which gives the Consent to Rulebook on Amendments to Rulebook on Organization and Systematization of Jobs

ico-adobe 31.01.19. Adopted Decision on Adoption of the Report on Property Inventory and Obligations of the PE “Roads of Serbia” as at 31st December 2018

ico-adobe 08.01.19. Decision on Issuing Approval for the Program on Amendments to Business Program of the PE “Roads of Serbia” for 2018


ico-adobe 13.12.18. Decision and Explanation Concerning Short-Term Interest-Free Loan Granted to the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia"

ico pdf 10.12.18. Conclusion which gives the Consent to Rulebook on Amendments to Rulebook on Organization and Systematization of Jobs

ico-adobe 09.10.18. Decision and Explanation Concerning Short-Term Interest-Free Loan Granted to the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia"

ico-adobe 09.09.18. Decision on Amendment to Decision on the Amount of Special Fee for the Usage of Paublic Road, its Section and Road Facility (Toll)

ico pdf 03.07.18. Decision and Explanation Concerning Short-Term Interest-Free Loan Granted to the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 19.06.18. Decision on adoption of annual financial report for 2017

ico pdf 08.05.18. Decision and Explanation Concerning Short-Term Interest-Free Loan Granted to the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 05.04.18. Adopted Conclusion which gives the Consent to Rulebook on Amendments to Rulebook on Organization and Systematization of Jobs

ico pdf 16.03.18. Code of Ethics of the PE “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 16.03.18. Decision and Explanation Concerning Short-Term Interest-Free Loan Granted to the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 26.02.18. Long- and mid-term plan of business strategy and development 2017-2027

ico pdf 26.02.18. Decision on Adoption of Long- and mid-term plan of business strategy and development

ico pdf 26.02.18. Explanation - Long- and mid-term plan of business strategy and development 2017-2027

ico pdf 01.02.18. Adopted Decision on Adoption of the Report on Property Inventory and Obligations of the PE “Roads of Serbia” as at 31st December 2017

ico pdf 18.01.18. Adopted Decision – Report on activities of the Supervisory Board of the PE “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 18.01.18. Report on activities of the Supervisory Board of the PE “Roads of Serbia” from 1. to 10. session

ico pdf 05.01.18. Decision and Explanation of Adoption of Program on Amendments to Business Program for 2017


ico-adobe 27.12.17. Decision – proposal of framework for negotiations concerning conclusion of Service Level Agreement (SLA)

ico-adobe 27.12.17. Preparation for implementation of Service Level Agreement between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (MCTI) and the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” (PERS)

ico-adobe 13.12.17. Explanation – short-term interest-free loan for the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 13.12.17. Decision - short-term interest-free loan for the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 13.12.17. Explanation - short-term interest-free loan for the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 13.12.17. Decision - short-term interest-free loan for the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 27.12.17. Decision - proposal of framework for negotiations concerning conclusion of Service Level Agreement (SLA)

ico-adobe 27.12.17. Preparation for implementation of Service Level Agreement between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (MCTI) and the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” (PERS)

ico-adobe 13.12.17. Explanation - short-term interest-free loan for the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 13.12.17. Decision - short-term interest-free loan for the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 27.12.17. Decision - proposal of framework for negotiations concerning conclusion of Service Level Agreement (SLA)

ico-adobe 27.12.17. Preparation for implementation of Service Level Agreement between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (MCTI) and the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” (PERS)

ico-adobe 29.11.17. Decision on Amendment to Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section and road facility (toll)

ico-adobe 21.11.17. Adopted Decision on amount of fee for special transport on state roads of the Republic of Serbia

ico-adobe 03.11.17. Statement on grounds of Decision

ico-adobe 03.11.17. Adopted Decision giving consent to Acting Director, Zoran Drobnjak

ico-adobe 31.10.17. Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board of the PE “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 31.10.17. Adopted Decision and Report on performances of the Supervisory Board from the first up to eighty-seventh session

ico-adobe 19.10.17. Adopted Decision on Appointment of the SB Secretary

ico-adobe 19.10.17. Adopted Decision on Appointment of Recording Secretary

ico-adobe 07.09.17. Rules of Procedure and systematization of jobs – clean version

ico-adobe 21.08.17. Adopted Plan on Amendments to Procurement Plan for 2017

ico-adobe 21.08.17. Conclusion and Rules of Procedure for the Rules of Procedure for organization and systematization

ico-adobe 28.07.17. Adopted Conclusion on approval of Rulebook on amendments of Rulebook on organization and job classification

ico-adobe 27.07.17. Statement on grounds of decision

ico-adobe 27.07.17. Adopted Decision giving consent to Acting Director, Zoran Drobnjak

ico-adobe 12.07.17. Decision on adoption of registration form - Amendment of incorporation act

ico-adobe 12.07.17. Decision on adoption of registration form – Change of date of the Statute

ico-adobe 10.07.17. Statute of the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 10.07.17. Decision on approval of Statute of the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”

ico-adobe 10.07.17. Decision on approval of Statute of the Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” (Official Gazette of RS, No. 63/17)

ico-adobe 28.04.17. Decision - Contract on short-term interest-free loan

ico pdf 24.04.17. Decision of Supervisory Board on approval of Draft 02

ico pdf 24.04.17. Explanation - Draft 02

ico pdf 10.03.17. Plan on amendments of Procurement Plant for 2016


ico pdf 30.12.16. Decision on approval of Decision on amendment to Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section or road facility (toll)

ico pdf 30.12.16. Decision on amendment to Decision on the amount of special fee for the usage of public road, its section or road facility (toll)

ico pdf 22.12.16. Adopted conclusion on Rulebook on amendment to Rulebook on organizational structure and job systematization

ico pdf 22.12.16. Rulebook on amendment to Rulebook on organizational structure and job systematization

ico pdf 22.12.16. Report on activities of the Supervisory Board of the PE “Roads of Serbia” from the first session held on 18 July 2013 until the seventy-first session held on 22 December 2016

ico pdf 22.12.16. Decision on activities of the Supervisory Board of the PE “Roads of Serbia” from the first session held on 18 July 2013 until the seventy-first session held on 22 December 2016

ico pdf 22.12.16. Accompanying documents with acknowledgment of receipt – Decision and Report on activities from 1. to 71. Session of the Supervisory Board

ico pdf 31.10.16. Rulebook on Amendments to the Rulebook on Job Organization and Systematization

ico pdf 31.10.16. Adopted Conclusion on giving approval for the Rulebook on Amendments to the Rulebook on Job Organization and Systematization

ico pdf 10.10.16. Decision on Harmonizing Business Activities of the PE „Roads of Serbia“ with the Law on Public Enterprises (Official Gazette 82)

ico pdf 24.06.16. Explanation about relieving executive directors from duty

ico pdf 24.06.16. Adopted decision on relieving executive directors from duty

ico pdf 24.06.16. Decision on adopting annual financial statement for 2015

ico pdf 10.06.16. Rulebook on the Amendments to the Rulebook on Jobs Organization and Systematization

ico pdf 10.06.16. Adopted conclusion on the Rulebook on the Amendments to the Rulebook on Jobs Organization and Systematization

ico pdf 30.05.16. Strategic Plan for Introduction and Development of Performance-Based Road Maintenance on Serbian National Road Network

ico pdf 30.05.16. Decision on giving approval to the Strategic Plan

ico pdf 26.02.16. Decision on the amount of fee for using state road for vehicles registered abroad


ico pdf 30.11.15. Conclusion – Rulebook on systematization and organization of work process in the PE «Roads of Serbia»

ico pdf 30.11.15. Adopted Rulebook on systematization and organization of work process in the PE «Roads of Serbia»

ico pdf 18.11.15. Decision on amending the Decision on the amount of special fee for using public road, its segment and road structure (toll)

ico pdf 19.06.15. Work Regulations of the Supervisory Board of the PE “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 25.05.15. Excerpt from the Official Gazette in which Decision on Issuing Approval to the Work Regulations is published

ico pdf 25.05.15. Adopted Work Regulations


ico pdf 29.09.14. Decision on Amending the Statute of the PE “Roads of Serbia”

ico pdf 10.10.14. Conclusion on issuing approval for the By-law

ico pdf 14.02.14. Adopted Decision Report on the inventory of assets and obligations of the PERS on 31.12.2013 inclusive

ico pdf 14.02.14. Justification of the adopted Decision on the inventory 14.02.2014

ico pdf 15.01.14. Adopted Decision on appointing the Audit Committee members


ico pdf 18.07.13. Adopted decision on appointing secretary and minute-taker
