Department for Electonic Toll Collection

Within the Sector for Toll Collection of PE “Roads of Serbia” a Department for Electronic Toll Collection is formed, with two departments:

  • Department for Sales and Distribution of ETC services
  • Department for solving ETC user complaints

Electronic toll collection is a form of contactless collection, during which vehicles pass through the entrance and exit (toll) traffic lane without stopping by using the ETC device.

The Department for Sales and Distribution of the ETC service performs the following tasks:

  • Sale and replenishment of devices for ETC
  • ETC device configuration and reconfiguration
  • Electronic toll collection in the prepaid system
  • Electronic toll collection in the postpaid system
  • Electronic toll collection in the postpaid system - Open Balkan
  • Monitoring the work of authorized distributors who perform the work of distributing ETC

The Department for solving ETC user complaints performs the following tasks:

  • Reception and processing of complaints/applications from ETC users, which include:
    • Complaints about the amount of toll charged through the device for ETC
    • Complaints about the correctness of the device for ETC
    • Reporting Lost/Stolen Devices for ETC
    • Uncollected toll via device for ETC,
    • Issuance of "Listing" to ETC users,
    • Configuration of replacement devices for ETC
    • Replenishment of devices for ETC upon complain
    • User notification of device expiration date for ETC

Department for Tolling Supervision

U okviru Sektora za naplatu putarine JP „Putevi Srbije“ formirano je  Odeljenje za nadzor naplate putarine sa četiri Odseka:

  • Odsek kontrole video nadzorom
  • Odsek analitike
  • Odesk terenske kontrole
  • Odsek za FTO

Odeljenje za nadzor naplate putarine vrši poslove u vezi kontrole rada zaposlenih na naplati putarine, kao i kontrole ponašanja učesnika u saobraćaju i poslove fizičko-tehničkog obezbeđenja lica i imovine JP „Putevi Srbije“. Kontrola se vrši pregledom video-audio materijala sa naplatnih stanica, analizom podataka o naplati putarine i direktnom kontrolom rada zaposlenih na naplatnoj stanici. Pored navedenog, vrše se i poslovi snimanja saobraćaja radi dokumentovanja saobraćajnih prekršaja i ponašanja učesnika u saobraćaju, ali i direktno snimanje zloupotreba učesnika u saobraćaju na svim putevima I i II reda uz pomoć mobilnih timova.

Jedan od bitnih pokazatelja rezultata rada ovog Odeljenja jeste održavanje trenda visokog procenta naplativosti vozila, koji dugi niz godina iznosi 99,9%.

Zahvaljujući svemu napred navedenom onemogućen je bilo kakav vid organizovane zloupotrebe u naplati putarine, dok se pojedinačni slučajevi brzo otkrivaju i sankcionišu.

Prvo smo preduzeće u Republici Srbiji, koje poslove obezbeđenja obavlja za sopstvene potrebe, a koje je od Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije dobilo dve Licence:

  1. Licencu za vršenje poslova fizičko – tehničke zaštite lica i imovine i održavanje reda na sportskim priredbama, javnim skupovima i drugim mestima okupljanja građana i
  2. Licencu za vršenje poslova obezbeđenja transporta novca i vrednosnih pošiljki.

Operativno – monitoring centar (OMC) Odseka za FTO je kontrolni centar u kome su objedinjeni svi aspekti fizičko – tehničkog obezbeđenja: zaposlenih, imovine, novca, vozila i štićenih objekata preduzeća.

Takođe, prvo smo preduzeće u Republici Srbiji koje je još početkom 2012. godine dobilo ovlašćenje resornog Ministarstva za obavljanje poslova snimanja saobraćaja na putevima pod naplatom putarine. Po zahtevu JP „Putevi Srbije“, Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture, uz saglasnost Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova, izdalo je 2019.godine Rešenje o davanju ovlašćenja da poslove snimanja saobraćaja, radi dokumentovanja saobraćajnih prekršaja i ponašanja učesnika u saobraćaju, možemo vršiti na svim putevima I i II reda.

Mobile application


We are informing you that mobile application “User support for traffic participants” is made and put into operation for the purpose of easier communication and informing of citizens on road conditions and information important for traffic participants. 

This application, titled “PUTEVI SRBIJE” is on Google play Webpage and it is available to the users of mobile phones, lap tops, tablets with Android platform in Serbian and English. The application can be downloaded from the Google play Webpage free of charge.

Mobile application “User support for traffic participants” consists of nine fields: 

Situation on roads with information on traffic closures, traffic bans, unfavorable weather conditions and marks of toll stations, border crossings, police cameras and radar controls on the roads in Serbia, possible landslides, rockfalls, black spots as well as information to drivers on the existing petrol stations and parking lots, shown on the map.

Based on the origin and destination address of the route, user has an option to calculate the closest route as well as to get information on road conditions on the selected route.

3. TOLL 
Users are enabled to obtain toll price if they set a certain route and vehicle category.

In this field, users can obtain the following: news, information on waiting or passability on toll stations.

Users are enabled to keep records on the servicing of their cars as well as monitoring of the costs.

It is enabled to get data on weather conditions for the upcoming three-day period for all towns in Serbia.

In case of emergency, traffic participants are enabled to make direct phone calls by selecting the following: Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, AMSS – help on the road, Weather Data, International information and PE “Roads of Serbia”.

It is enabled to get information for towns selected in the given field.

For the purpose of personal adaptation to the User Support Service, users are enabled to manually change options in the application (language selection, lighting, font size, etc.).

In case of possible suggestions or remarks by users of the application, direct contact is enabled via Info field, “i”.

Department for Public Relations provides electronic exchange of information referring to road conditions, which are displayed on the Enterprise Webpage.

The upcoming steps regarding the application “User support for traffic participants” which we will be engaged on will be the following:

• promotion of the User Support service

• adaptation of the service to the users of mobile phones, lap tops, tablets with IOS platform 

• upgrade of the “User support for traffic participants” pursuant to the latest technology solutions.

According to the obtained statistical data on downloads and use of this application, so far we count 11,622 downloads, there are 6002 active users, current evaluation mark on Google play Webpage is 4.05 out of maximum 5 and there are no negative comments on it.

Ekran aplikacijeEkran aplikacijeEkran aplikacijeEkran aplikacijeEkran aplikacije




Department for Joint Affairs of the Sector

Within the Sector for toll collection of PE "Roads of Serbia", a Department for Joint Affairs of the Sector was formed, which consists of the following Divisions:

  • Division for Customer Service
  • Division for Technical Operations
  • Division for System and Application Support
  • Department for Planning and Construction of Functional and Accompanying Road Facilities

Department for operative tolling


Sector for Toll Collection performs toll collection, toll collection supervision (video surveillance, analytics and control), transport and protection of money and facilities, maintenance of equipment and facilities under the responsibility of the company, planning and construction of accompanying road contents, communication with road users, administrative, technical and other tasks related to the activity of the sector.

The Sector for Toll Collection comprises the following departments:

  1. Department for Tolling Supervision
  2. Department for Operative Tolling
  3. Department for Electronic Toll Collection
  4. Department for Joint Affairs

Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”, the Sector for Toll Collection, performs the collection of fees for the use of highway (tolls). Toll collection is performed in the closed system on all highway sections.

Toll collection is performed on highways in the length of 875.845km in total. It is performed using an automatic technical toll collection system consisting of 70 toll stations.

The base for toll collection is the length of public road expressed in kilometers (km). The road toll price is determined based on three criteria: road toll price per kilometer, vehicle category and the distance travelled. Toll collection system is applied on the following highway sections:

  • Belgrade - Šabac - Šid
  • Belgrade - Subotica
  • Belgrade – Koševi – Preševo - Dimitrovgrad
  • Belgrade - Čačak

The users can choose between manual toll payment (with taking a mandatory magnetic card) and electronic payment (using an ETC device).

Users of manual toll collection system are obligated to take a magnetic card when entering the toll collection system and hand the card, based on which the toll collection is performed, over to the toll booth operator at the exit toll station.

Users of electronic toll collection system, i.e. contactless payment model, use gates marked for that type of toll payment (ENP/ETC) and pay the toll using an ETC device, without stopping or taking a magnetic card.

A user who possesses an ETC device in his/her vehicle, and for some reason takes a magnetic card at the entry toll station and pays the toll using the ETC device, is obligated to hand the card over to the operator in charge at the exit toll station.

Manual toll collection users can choose the following methods of payment:

  • CASH

Electronic toll collection users use ETC devices as a payment method in:

  • PREPAID and
  • POSTPAID system

The obligee and the amount of the fee, as well as the method of determining, paying and exempting from paying the special fee for the use of public roads in the Republic of Serbia are regulated by the Law on Fees for the Use of Public Property ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 95/2018 and 49/2019 . - harmonized din.amm.).

If it is established that:

  1. that he passed through the toll station without paying the toll and evaded the tolling procedure;
  2. that he left the public road in a place where it is not allowed ("wild exit");
  3. that payment has already been made according to that document;
  4. that he misused the monthly or annual subscription card;
  5. that he misused the permit for free passage on a public road;
  6. that he misused the city card;
  7. that he misused the magnetic card, i.e. the ETC device with other road users;
  8. that he handed over a damaged magnetic card at the exit from the public road;
  9. that at the exit from the public road he did not hand over the same magnetic card that he took when entering the public road;
  10. that he did not pay the issued toll bill, in accordance with the concluded contract in the "postpaid system";
  11. that when leaving the toll collection system, he did not pay the toll for a vehicle that broke down after entering the system and was loaded or supported by another vehicle because of that breakdown;

the longest route of the respective section will be calculated and charged on the spot, or through subsequent payment procedure, as well as the cost of the emergency procedure, in accordance with the Article 198a of the Law on fees for the use of public goods.

If it is established that:

  1. that when configuring the device for ENP, a lower vehicle category than the actual one was entered on the device, and for that reason the toll was paid in a smaller amount than prescribed;
  2. that for technical reasons (power failure, system failure, etc.) he did not pay the toll with the ENP device, in cash or in another way.


the longest route of the respective section will be calculated and charged on the spot, or through subsequent payment procedure, as well as the cost of the emergency procedure, in accordance with the Article 198a of the Law on fees for the use of public goods.

The method of electronic toll collection is stipulated by the Rulebook on electronic toll collection, special conditions and technical requirements for European ETC and interoperability elements (Official Gazette RS, no.71/19).


Sector for Toll Collection


Sector for Toll Collection performs toll collection, toll collection supervision (video surveillance, analytics and control), transport and protection of money and facilities, maintenance of equipment and facilities under the responsibility of the company, planning and construction of accompanying road contents, communication with road users, administrative, technical and other tasks related to the activity of the sector.

The Sector for Toll Collection comprises the following departments:

  1. Department for Tolling Supervision
  2. Department for Operative Tolling
  3. Department for Electronic Toll Collection
  4. Department for Joint Affairs

Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”, the Sector for Toll Collection, performs the collection of fees for the use of highway (tolls). Toll collection is performed in the closed system on all highway sections.

Toll collection is performed on highways in the length of 905,245 km in total. It is performed using an automatic technical toll collection system consisting of 72 toll stations.

The base for toll collection is the length of public road expressed in kilometers (km). The road toll price is determined based on three criteria: road toll price per kilometer, vehicle category and the distance travelled. Toll collection system is applied on the following highway sections:

  • Belgrade-Šabac-Šid
  • Belgrade-Subotica
  • Belgrade-Vrnjačka Banja-Preševo-Dimitrovgrad
  • Belgrade-Požega

The users can choose between manual toll payment (with taking a mandatory magnetic card) and electronic payment (using an ETC device).

Users of manual toll collection system are obligated to take a magnetic card when entering the toll collection system and hand the card, based on which the toll collection is performed, over to the toll booth operator at the exit toll station.

Users of electronic toll collection system, i.e. contactless payment model, use gates marked for that type of toll payment (ENP/ETC) and pay the toll using an ETC device, without stopping or taking a magnetic card.

A user who possesses an ETC device in his/her vehicle, and for some reason takes a magnetic card at the entry toll station and pays the toll using the ETC device, is obligated to hand the card over to the operator in charge at the exit toll station.

Manual toll collection users can choose the following methods of payment:

  • CASH

Electronic toll collection users use ETC devices as a payment method in:

  • PREPAID and
  • POSTPAID system

The obligee and the amount of the fee, as well as the method of determining, paying and exempting from paying the special fee for the use of public roads in the Republic of Serbia are regulated by the Law on Fees for the Use of Public Property ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 95/2018 and 49/2019 . - harmonized din.amm.).

If it is established that:

  1. that he passed through the toll station without paying the toll and evaded the tolling procedure;
  2. that he left the public road in a place where it is not allowed ("wild exit");
  3. that payment has already been made according to that document;
  4. that he misused the monthly or annual subscription card;
  5. that he misused the permit for free passage on a public road;
  6. that he misused the city card;
  7. that he misused the magnetic card, i.e. the ETC device with other road users;
  8. that he handed over a damaged magnetic card at the exit from the public road;
  9. that at the exit from the public road he did not hand over the same magnetic card that he took when entering the public road;
  10. that he did not pay the issued toll bill, in accordance with the concluded contract in the "postpaid system";
  11. that when leaving the toll collection system, he did not pay the toll for a vehicle that broke down after entering the system and was loaded or supported by another vehicle because of that breakdown;

the longest route of the respective section will be calculated and charged on the spot, or through subsequent payment procedure, as well as the cost of the emergency procedure, in accordance with the Article 198a of the Law on fees for the use of public goods.

If it is established that:

  1. that when configuring the device for ENP, a lower vehicle category than the actual one was entered on the device, and for that reason the toll was paid in a smaller amount than prescribed;
  2. that for technical reasons (power failure, system failure, etc.) he did not pay the toll with the ENP device, in cash or in another way.


the longest route of the respective section will be calculated and charged on the spot, or through subsequent payment procedure, as well as the cost of the emergency procedure, in accordance with the Article 198a of the Law on fees for the use of public goods.

The method of electronic toll collection is stipulated by the Rulebook on electronic toll collection, special conditions and technical requirements for European ETC and interoperability elements (Official Gazette RS, no.71/19).