PE "Roads of Serbia" informs the public that in the period from 04/30 until 05/06/2024 increased intensity of traffic on all road routes in the Republic of Serbia was recorded.

In the mentioned period, 1,503,667 vehicles passed through Serbian highways, of which 335,848 passed through the Belgrade toll station.

On the Miloš Veliki highway, a record number of charged vehicles passed trough following toll stations:

Pakovraće, 04/30/2024 - 10,394 vehicles,

Preljina, 04/30/2024 - 8,252 vehicles,

Obrenovac, 05/06/2024 - 26,752 vehicles.

PE "Roads of Serbia" records an increase in the number of users of Electronic toll collection, which enables the fastest passage through toll stations, without stopping, which significantly shortens travel time and is a cheaper form of toll payment.

Value your time, use ETC!
