PE "Roads of Serbia" is ready for increased intensity of traffic on Serbian highways.

In order to ensure the smooth passage of vehicles on Serbian highways, the work at toll stations has been intensified, the number of collections has increased and all channels for toll collection and distribution of cards are in operation 24 hours a day without a break.

Please note that the fastest passage through toll stations is enabled by electronic toll collection (ETC), which significantly shortens travel time and allows vehicles to pass without stopping, and is also a cheaper form of toll payment.

Traffic participants can be informed in real time about possible delays at toll stations, traffic interruptions, works and other necessary information through the portals on highways, the Internet presentation of PE "Roads of Serbia" and the application for mobile phones "Roads of Serbia".

PE "Roads of Serbia" appeals to all traffic participants to adjust their speed to road conditions, keep a safe distance and obey traffic signals.

Also, we recommend that everyone who is planning a trip leaves rested in the morning hours when the air temperatures are more comfortable for driving.

PE "Roads of Serbia" wishes all road users a safe journey!
