PE "Roads of Serbia" is actively celebrating the World Day of Remembrance for Traffic Accident Victims, which is being marked all over the world under the traditional slogan "Remember. Support. Act".

The day dedicated to the memory of the millions of traffic accident victims is marked on the proposal of the European Federation of Traffic Accident Victims (FEVR) every third week of November since 1995 and on the recommendation of the United Nations since 2005, in a large number of countries around the world as well.

The goals of marking the World Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Traffic Accidents in 2024 are remembering the victims and providing a social and legal platform to support them and all injured in traffic and their families, while recognizing the work of emergency services and promoting all actions that prevent any further possibility of deaths and injuries in traffic.

In the new Decade of the World Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Traffic Accidents, 2021-2030, the increase of traffic safety on the roads and this day have been given a particularly important role because the planned goal is to reduce the number of traffic fatalities by half by year 2030.

We emphasize that PE "Roads of Serbia" with its constant and persuasive activities draws attention to the importance of responsible and conscientious behavior in traffic every day, informs the public about the condition of the roads, maintains and improves the quality of the national road network by providing the best possible conditions for safe driving, and from March 2020, in order to reduce the number and consequences of traffic accidents, implements particularly notable and significant educational campaigns to raise the awareness of drivers about the importance of traffic safety.

PE "Roads of Serbia" has, so far, launched and implemented 7 campaigns on the following, very important topics: the importance of keeping a safe distance between vehicles, i.e. the following interval of vehicles, the correct use of the emergency lane, drawing attention to the danger of destroying traffic signals and signs, the correct traffic behavior before entering and in the tunnel, whether in the case of regular traffic situations or emergency situations.

PE "Roads of Serbia" will continue, as a socially responsible company, to regularly implement special actions and campaigns to increase traffic safety, not only through regular promotions of its own campaigns, but also through further participation in campaigns organized by the relevant Ministry with partner organizations.

You can read information about the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2024 at:

