The public company "Roads of Serbia", in cooperation with members of the emergency services, the Department for Emergency Situations - Fire and Rescue Unit, the Voluntary Fire Company "Foundation" from Zemun, the Traffic Police Administration and the Emergency Medical Service, on June 11, 2024 on the I A category state road number 1, in the "Zeleznik" tunnel, on the Belgrade by Pass, conducted a simulation of an emergency event.

The aim of the exercise was to train experts in PE "Roads of Serbia" and members of DVD "Foundation"-Zemun, in a joint performance with a uniform method of working on extinguishing fires.

During the exercise, on the basis of a jointly defined operational plan, simulations of emergency events (fire on a vehicle and leakage of ammonia from a tank) were carried out and the practiced, coordinated activities of the aforementioned services were presented in order to evacuate people, extinguish the fire, prevent further leakage of ammonia, while eliminating the consequences of the simulated emergency events.

The simulation of an emergency event and the response of the competent services in the Železnik tunnel were well organized and implemented, with a high level of preparedness and response of all participants.

Joint exercises are organized periodically, in accordance with the legal obligations of the road manager, both for persons employed in the Tunnel - operational centers of PE "Roads of Serbia" and for members of the emergency services, for the purpose of comprehensive preparation for responding to various emergency situations.

Photo gallery with photos from the event is: 11.06.2024. A SIMULATION OF AN EMERGENCY EVENT WAS CARRIED OUT IN THE ŽELEZNIK TUNNEL

Video footage is on the link: 11.06.2024. Simulation of an emergency situation in the Železnik tunnel
