The construction of the Gornji Milanovac Bypass will completely separate the transit from the local traffic, passing through the municipality Gornji Milanovac.

By relocating the transit (truck) traffic, comfortable traffic communication is accomplished in the center of Gornji Milanovac, as well as less air pollution, less frequent road maintenance in the central zone and the increased road safety.

The Gornji Milanovac bypass construction project includes:

  • The construction of the new road from Gornji Milanovac to Klatičevo in a length of 4.78 km and,
  • The reconstruction of the existing IIA category state road no.177 from Klatičevo to the grade-separated intersection with the motorway “Miloš Veliki“ (interchange "Takovo") in a length of 4.70 km.

You may watch the video of the Gornji Milanovac Bypass construction and the statement of Nenad Gligorijević, the responsible contractor, on the following link.

Follow the official PE “Roads of Serbia“ Yоutube channel and be informed.
