PE "Roads of Serbia" once again this year,  at the Belgrade International Tourism Fair traditionally in the role of host, pointed out to all interested visitors the advantages and all the possibilities of electronic payment, the integrated payment system Open Balkan (Open Balkan ETC), electric chargers, while also presenting all other businesses which the Company undertakes in order to improve the toll collection system and user satisfaction.

Also, the promotion of educational campaigns carried out by the Company to raise awareness about traffic safety - "Three seconds, whole life", "Don't drive in the emergency lane, don't stop life", “Traffic sign means life”, "Don't block the emergency lane, don't stop" life" and "Don't destroy the traffic sign, traffic sign means life" is continued at the Fair.

Visitors to the  ​​PE "Roads of Serbia" exhibition area could conclude a purchase contract or top up a device for electronic toll collection, reconfigure the TAG device to "Open Balkan ETC" and thus make their journey even easier.

Video material from the fair, as well as the statement of Iva Rvović, can be viewed at the link: 23.02.2024. PE „ Roads of Serbia“ at the 45th International Tourism Fair in Belgrade
