On December 23, 2024, a supervisory audit was held according to the Energy Management System standard EMS ISO 50001:2018. This is the first supervisory check since the introduction of this standard in the Company in 2023.

The supervisory audit was carried out by the certification company SGS. The Department for Energy Management with the support of the Department for Integrated Management Systems and Systems and Business Operation Support Systems is responsible for the implementation of this standard within PERS.

Processes and activities whose compliance with the standard has been checked are:

  1. Strategic energy planning, context, stakeholders, risks and opportunities,  

responsibilities and authorities, energy management system documentation

  1. Control of documented information, communication, energy policy, energy goals
  2. Energy planning, Energy review, energy base, energy performance indicators, Energy action plans
  3. Maintenance of equipment for monitoring and improving energy performance
  4. Legal and other requirements, assessment of compliance with legal and other requirements
  5. Competences, training and awareness, communication
  6. Supervision, measurement and analysis in the field of energy management
  7. Procurement of products, equipment and energy with special reference to specifications obligations and additional conditions in the context of life cycle criteria and energy efficiency of goods and services, as well as
  8. Findings of non-conformity, improvements, improvement activities, improvement plans and internal audits

The method of data collection, software systems and databases, mechanisms for analyzing energy consumption and use, methodologies for forming energy performance indicators (EnPI - Energy Performance Indicator) for different groups of consumers, as well as methodologies for determining energy comparative values ​​(EnB - Energy Baseline) and criteria for determining significant consumption of energy (SEU - Significant Energy Uses).

The results of the application of these methodologies to our system were presented, and the systemic measures that have been taken and are planned in the future are described in order to improve the energy performance of the company.

The presentation included the system part of the standard, as well as an extensive data set and analysis of the technical part of the standard. The audit findings stated that the energy management system in PE "Roads of Serbia" is well established and that critical components are included.
