PE “Roads of Serbia” informs the public that on Friday, 15 July 2022, electronic toll collection and educational campaigns on the increase of traffic safety will be promoted at the petrol station of the authorized distributor “Petrol”LCC – PS Belgrade – Ada, at the address Obrenovački put 1А - 11030 Čukarica, from 10:00 tо 13:30.
The representatives of PE “Roads of Serbia” will present to all interested visitors the electronic toll collection device, point out its advantages, enable purchase or topping up of the account, and inform them of the news from the electronic toll collection area, the mobile application, electric chargers and all other topicalities in order to improve the toll collection system.
Besides the information on electronic toll collection, all visitors will also be informed about the educational campaigns whose purpose is to raise awareness of drivers and all traffic participants regarding the significance and use of the emergency lane, keeping a safe following distance, and the impact of damaged or stolen traffic signage and equipment on the traffic safety.
Appreciate your time, use ETC!
“Don’t drive in the emergency lane, don’t stop life“
“Sign means life“