The works on the bridge over the Sava River near Sremska Rača, the most demanding part of the design of Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section on the future Belgrade - Sarajevo highway, are being carried out according to schedule.
"The sixth phase of launching is now in progress, one launching phase implies 30-meter structure, and we have practically completed longitudinal launching of half of the bridge towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. Republika Srpska," said Dragan Jocić, the Engineer.
The road structure across the Sava River is being built in accordance with state-of-the-art technologies in bridge construction. Given that the bridge segment under construction is covered, the works are performed continuously, regardless of weather conditions.
"The auxiliary pylon in the river, the so-called yoke, allows us to direct, support and move the structure to the following pylons safely and securely, with anticorrosive protection of the entire structure being realized in the best possible way on the covered segment, regardless of weather conditions", Jocić explained.
The bridge will be 1,320 meter long, whereby steel structure above the river will be 330 meter long. About 70,000 cubic meters of concrete and 10,000 tons of reinforcement will be installed in the bridge.
"Currently, there are 4,000 tons installed in the bridge, 2,000 tons in left and right structure each," Jocić pointed out and announced further work on the remaining four segments to complete the structural unit, thus approaching the other coast in phases of two weeks.
You can see the statement given by Dragan Jocić, the Engineer and cover footage at the following link: 18.10.21. Izjava Dragan Jocić, nadzorni organ JP "Putevi Srbije" - Izgradnja mosta preko reke Save na deonici Sremska Rača-Kuzmin