Directors Drobnjak and Antić Guests of Today's Show "New Morning" on TV Pink

In a half-hour guest appearance, directors Drobnjak and Antić talked about important infrastructure projects in the Republic of Serbia, about the completion of the construction of Sector 6 of the Belgrade Bypass, part of the Morava Corridor and the progress of all other important infrastructure projects, and presented important details about the construction of more than 500 kilometers of motorways, currently taking place in the Republic of Serbia.

Director Drobnjak pointed out that in addition to the obvious thriving in road construction, now is the time to pay special attention to all measures and projects dedicated to traffic safety, due to the fact that the roads in the country are significantly better.

New roads are also being designed, the west and east of the country are being connected, and the infrastructure of all regions is being evenly developed. The video of the guest appearance on TV Pink is on the following link.
