Due to the constant increase in traffic in the Republic of Serbia, as well as the increasing share of electronic toll collection in the total traffic through toll stations, PE "Roads of Serbia" launched the Project of enlargement od 26 toll stations on the highway network in the Republic of Serbia.

In addition to the main Stara Pazova toll station, which was put into traffic on May 16, 2023, the following toll stations were also expanded this year:

Požarevac side toll station on state road I A category number 1, from the existing 3 islands - 4 traffic lanes, the toll station was expanded by 3 new islands, and the total expanded capacity is 6 islands - 7 traffic lanes and a new administrative facility of 100 m² above the traffic lanes on the canopy.

Picture: Pozarevac toll station

Side toll station Smederevo on the state road I A category number 1, from the existing 2 islands - 3 traffic lanes, the toll station was expanded by 2 new islands, and the total expanded capacity is 4 islands - 5 traffic lanes and a new ground-level administrative facility of 100 m².

Picture: Smederevo toll station

Aleksinac side toll station on state road I A category number 1, from the existing 1 island - 2 traffic lanes, the toll station was expanded by 2 new islands, and the total expanded capacity is 3 islands - 4 traffic lanes and a new ground-level administrative facility of 50 m².

Picture: Aleksinac toll station

At the Obrenovac toll station, the first phase of expansion was completed, in which this toll station was expanded by two traffic lanes.

The project of enlargement of toll stations in the Republic of Serbia represents another valuable investment by PE "Roads of Serbia", which will significantly contribute to the improvement of travel conditions, increase the flow and speed of vehicles, further increase the use of electronic toll collection and contribute to safety, comfort, and speed of travel.
